Friday, 31 March 2017

The long awaited KSU Mass protest scheduled to hold on the 1st of April, 2017 has been cancelled. 

This information was gathered on Confluence  94.1 fm 5pm news and  a program named "Kogi in Focus".

It's no longer a news that the SUG president has organized a peaceful protest tag "One year of Governor Bello uninterrupted to education which everyone has believed that the peaceful protest will hold tomorrow the 1st of April.

The students Union are urged to give the state Government and the Striking lecturer's just two weeks to settle everything as we are assured that all student's will resume back to class in two weeks time.

Our correspondent, Gideon Ayeni spoke with the Secretary General of KSU Student Union (Muhamed Buhari)  and he was told that it's true that the protest has been cancelled as the Governing council and the state Government plead with the union to exercise patience and very soon the strike will be called off.

While some students felt disappointed and view it as a bad move, some students also view it as the right thing and urge the SUG executives to exercise some patience and see what will happen in the next two weeks.

While reporting on Confluence FM this evening, they urged all parents to warn their children's not to participate in the protest.

All our effort to speak with SUG president proved abortive as his line was not available.

#Gideon_Ayeni reporting.
High - dose vitamin C makes cancer treatment more effective , 
Written by Ana Sandoiu
Published: Today

A new clinical trial shows that a high dose of vitamin C can improve health outcomes for patients who are undergoing conventional cancer treatment.
Common treatment options for cancer , such as chemotherapy and radiation therapy , can be expensive and sometimes ineffective . However , a new clinical trial tests the effect of high - dose vitamin C in combination with standard treatment on health outcomes for patients with cancer.
In the 1970s and 1980s, Nobel Prize winner Linus Pauling, together with surgeon Ewan Cameron, first hypothesized the clinical benefits of vitamin C for treating people with cancer . Since then, further studies in animals and cancer cell cultures suggested that a
high concentration of ascorbic acid might prevent and treat cancer.
More recent studies have examined the combined effect of high-dose vitamin C and conventional cancer treatment. Some of this research showed that patients who received the combined treatment had a slower progression of the disease, while others have suggested that the side effects of chemotherapy were less pronounced among those who also took high doses of vitamin C.
To obtain a high dose in these studies, vitamin C is usually administered using intravenous infusion. Vitamin C has a short half-life of only 2 hours in the human body, which is why it must be administered in high doses as a treatment.
A new clinical trial studies the effect of giving between 800 and 1,000 times the daily recommended dose of vitamin C to patients with brain and lung cancer. The new research was led by scientists at the University of Iowa in Iowa City, and the results were published in the journal Cell Press.
Vitamin C passes human safety trial As part of the human safety trial, 11 patients with brain cancer who were undergoing standard chemotherapy and radiation therapy were also administered three weekly intravenous infusions of vitamin C for 2 months, and then two weekly infusions for 7 months. Each infusion raised the patients' blood levels of vitamin C to 20,000 micromoles (μM). The average level of vitamin C in adults is approximately 70 μM. Overall, the treatment was tolerated well. The team noted very few minor side effects, such as dry mouth or rare and brief episodes of high blood pressure .
This safety test was the first phase of a series of clinical trials that will investigate whether high-dose vitamin C can effectively increase the lifespan and quality of life for
patients that are being treated with chemotherapy and radiation therapy.
For now, the data from the phase I trial show that patients with glioblastoma survived for 4 to 6 months longer than the average survival time noticed in patients who undergo
conventional treatment alone. Specifically, patients who also received high doses of ascorbic acid survived for 18 to 22 months compared with 14 to 16 months, which is the typical survival rate for glioblastoma.
For the upcoming phase II of the clinical trials, the scientists will examine the effects of vitamin C in participants with stage 4 lung cancer as well as in those with highly aggressive brain tumors, such as glioblastoma.
How vitamin C weakens cancer cells
The mechanism that might explain the potential efficacy of vitamin C in treating lung and brain cancer relates to the cancer cells' metabolism. As a consequence of the faulty metabolism that occurs inside the cancer cells' mitochondria, these cells produce abnormally high levels of so-called redox active iron molecules. These molecules react with vitamin C and form hydrogen peroxide and hydrogen peroxide-derived free
radicals. Scientists think that these free radicals drive cancer cell death by damaging the cells' DNA. The free radicals are also thought to weaken the cancer cells and make them more vulnerable to radiation therapy and chemotherapy.

Thursday, 30 March 2017

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Parkinson' s risk may be higher with hepatitis virus infection
Written by Honor Whiteman
Published: Today

Researchers have found a link between hepatitis B and C infection and
Parkinson's disease. Written by Honor Whiteman Individuals infected with hepatitis B or C viruses may have a significantly greater risk of developing Parkinson' s disease, new research suggests . Hepatitis is a condition characterized by inflammation of the liver,
and it is primarily caused by hepatitis viruses. Hepatitis B and C are two of
the most common hepatitis viruses. According to the World Health Organization (WHO),
hepatitis B affects around 240 million people worldwide, and it is spread through contact with the blood, semen, and bodily fluids of infected individuals.
Around 130 to 150 million people across the globe have chronic hepatitis C - a bloodborne virus that is most commonly transmitted through sharing of injection equipment and the reuse or poor sterilization of needles and other medical equipment.
Most adults infected with hepatitis B will experience symptoms such as fever, fatigue , loss of appetite, abdominal pain, and dark urine. However, around 70 to 80 percent of
adults with hepatitis C have no symptoms, meaning that most people do not realize that they are infected. Previous studies have suggested a link between hepatitis
virus infection and Parkinson's. One study published in 2015 suggested that there may be a link between hepatitis C infection and Parkinson's disease , but no such association
was found with hepatitis B infection. Findings may ' help us to better understand how
Parkinson' s develops ' For the new study - recently published in the journal
Neurology - study author Julia Pakpoor, of the University of Oxford in the United Kingdom, and colleagues further investigated the relationship between hepatitis B and C and risk of Parkinson's. Pakpoor and team used a large U.K. hospital database to
reach their findings. This included almost 22,000 people with hepatitis B and 48,000 people with hepatitis C. Around 6,000 people with autoimmune hepatitis, 4,000 people with chronic active hepatitis, and nearly 20,000 people with HIV were also
included. The incidence of Parkinson's disease among these individuals was compared with a control group of more than 6 million people who visited the hospital for minor conditions, such as cataracts and bunions. The researchers found that the risk of developing Parkinson's was 76 percewww.healthdialogue.blogspot.comnt greater for people infected with hepatitis B,
while individuals with hepatitis C were at a 51 percent increased risk of Parkinson's.
The team found no link between autoimmune hepatitis, chronic active hepatitis, or HIV and risk of Parkinson's. Further research is needed to better understand the link
between hepatitis B and C and Parkinson's, but Pakpoor and colleagues believe that their findings may help to shed light on the underlying causes of Parkinson's.

Wednesday, 29 March 2017

Benson Idahosa Varsity faults
NAFDAC on clearance to consume
Fanta, Sprite

Posted By: The Health Dialogue  on: March 29, 2017

BENIN—BENSON Idahosa University, BIU, Benin City,
Edo State, has faulted the Federal Government’s
clearance that Fanta and Sprite beverages were good
for consumption, insisting that the information or data
provided by the government on the beverages fell
short of addressing the safety concerns raised in
court. It will be recalled that a Lagos High Court had
ordered the National Agency for Food Drug
Administration and Control, NAFDAC, to compel the
Nigeria Bottling Company, NBC, the manufacturer of
Fanta and Sprite, to include a written warning label
that the content of the two products should not be
taken with Vitamin C.
However, at a media briefing held in the institution,
some scientists at the BIU, led by the Vice Chancellor,
Prof. Ernest Izevbigie, raised concern over the clean
bill of health given to Nigerians to consume Fanta and
Sprite, saying that as an ivory tower, the institution
owed the society a responsibility to provide expert
opinion on the matter. Prof Izevbigie, who is a
professor of Biochemistry, said answers provided to
questions such as the presence and amount of
colourant in Fanta, the presence and concentration of
benzoic acid or sodium benzoate in the two beverages
and the presence and concentration of benzene that
results from conversion of benzoic acid to benzene,
were not satisfactory.
He said that the colourant used in Fanta, the yellow
sunset, had been implicated in cytotoxicity,
carcinogenesis, allergies and hyper activity in children
when the right amount is not used. On benzoic acid,
he said the Federal Ministry of Health has explanation
to give on why standard given for it in soft drinks was
put at 250mg/kg as opposed to 150mg/kg that was
obtainable in the United Kingdom and Ghana. Prof
Izevbigie, who noted that though the Nigerian standard
was high owing to high temperature and that it still
falls within the international standard, said
pasteurization and the use of carbon dioxide can
achieve the same goal as the use of high benzoic acid
without the added health risks.

Source: Dailytimes

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Moderate drinkers not at risk when taking a widely-used arthritis medicine
People taking a common rheumatoid arthritis medicine
are not at increased risk of liver damage if they stick
to 14 units of alcohol a week or fewer, a new study
from The University of Manchester has found.
Methotrexate is a drug taken, often over long periods
of time, to limit or prevent joint damage and disability.
People who take methotrexate are often advised to
abstain from alcohol as both methotrexate and alcohol
are known to increase the risks of liver damage.
However, it is not known whether drinking modest
amounts of alcohol is safe during methotrexate
The new study by The University of Manchester,
published in the journal Annals of the Rheumatic
Diseases and funded by Arthritis Research UK, has
drawn upon the medical records of almost 12,000
people with rheumatoid arthritis taking the drug who
had a record of the levels of alcohol they drank and
who had routine blood monitoring test results.
The researchers found that increased use of alcohol
did indeed correspond to increased liver damage, but
at 14 units or fewer there was no heightened risk.
Dr Natalie Carter, Head of Research Liaison and
Evaluation at Arthritis Research UK, said: “We know
that methotrexate can be an effective drug for
treating arthritis . As it can interact with other
medicines and alcohol it is important that people with
arthritis have information about their medication in
order to manage their arthritis safely and effectively.
Arthritis Research UK invests in exceptional science to
find treatments and information that let people push
back the limits these conditions cause. This research
adds to the knowledge we have around methotrexate
and its effects in people with rheumatoid arthritis,
which can help people make informed decisions about
their treatment. We would recommend that people who
take methotrexate to speak to their rheumatologist for
advice about drinking alcohol whilst on this drug.”
Dr Jenny Humphreys, an NIHR Clinical Lecturer at The
University of Manchester’s Arthritis Research UK
Centre for Epidemiology, led the study. She said: “In
the past there’s not been clear guidance on what
effects different amounts of alcohol have on these
people, so doctors often err on the side of caution and
recommend abstinence.
“As a result, some people choose to decline
methotrexate so they can continue to enjoy a drink,
thereby missing out on the possible benefits of the
medication. Alternatively, some people may go totally
without alcohol after starting methotrexate: if they like
to drink in moderation, the quality of their life may be
With a pint of 5.2% ABV beer containing three units
and a 250ml glass of 14% ABV wine containing 3.5,
the findings show that people can drink in moderation,
while still benefitting from the drug.
The data used in the study came from the Clinical
Practice Research Datalink, a UK general practice
database. The researchers identified 11,839 people
with rheumatoid arthritis who were taking
methotrexate and had at least six liver function test
results per year. Of these, 530 developed abnormal
liver function tests.
Although there was no increased risk associated with
drinking 14 units or less compared to people who
drank no alcohol, people who drank 15-21 units had a
33% increased probability of liver damage and this rose
to 81% in the group that drank more than 21 units.
Professor Will Dixon, Director of the Arthritis Research
UK Centre for Epidemiology at The University of
Manchester, who is also a rheumatologist at Salford
Royal NHS Foundation Trust, believes that the results
can provide important guidance for doctors who are
prescribing methotrexate.
He added: “This is the first study to provide estimates
of risk of liver damage for different levels of alcohol
consumption in this drug. It also quantifies the risk for
doctors so they can be clear about the extent to
which different levels of alcohol will cause problems
across a population of patients taking methotrexate.”
Source: MNT
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Tuesday, 28 March 2017

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